Isuzu Repair: tranny noise, isuzu impulse, clutch fork
Questioni have a 1986 isuzu impulse with a 5 speed, when i drive it the tranny or cluth one makes a loud grinding noise, but only in 1st 2nd 3rd and 5th not 4th? could that be the tranny, cause i don't know why a throw out bearing or clutch would only do it in all gears but the 4th, could this be that 5th is overdrive and 4th is the only 1 to 1 gear?
AnswerIt might be a damged synchronizer assembley or mis-adjusted clutch play. Also Check your clutch fork and gear teeth ok? Let me know how this goes ok? It is possible that something is mis-adjusted or your gear teeth dont have enough play or are damaged.