At about 40,000 my rodeo 2000 transmission started overheating, so I took it to the dealership and they changed the modulator (regulator?) and the transmission oil. They stated that the modulator was not covered by the drivetrain warranty.
Shortly after the repair warranty expired, the same thing happened again.
Question: Is there any way I can check to see if the transmission oil is low? Can you describe where the fill plug is and the drain plug is?
Is the part they changed called modulator or regulator? Can it be bought online?
AnswerHello Patrick, unfortunately, there are two drain plugs on the driver side top of the transmission, the top plug is for filling , and the lower for draining, however i strongly advice not to tamper with these two plugs, as due to this is a sealed transmission assembly, meaning there is no dipstick. The modulator is accessible however very expensive, i would check your inhibitor switch and check your tranny cooler and radiator to make sure it is not clogged, also rodeo's do have problems with their transmissions, my advice is to either get a new tranny, or sell the vehicle. This might be hinting to you you could have a lemon however i would look into a lawsuit action against Isuzu as well.