Jaguar Repair: 1970 tach on 1970 e type
Questionhow to best remove tachometer from 1970 jaguar E Type.
AnswerHi Eric,
The tach is held in by two thumb nuts on the back of the tach. Just about impossible to see but you can feel them. So as not to cause a short you whould disconnect one battery cable first.
Two threaded studs on the tach case point toward the front of the car and they have large knerled thumb nuts that can be felt and just uncsrew both nuts, one on each side and then push the instrument out of the dash. As you push the tach out of the dash you will be the able to disconnect the wiring watching where to connect each back again. It is a good idea to put a piece of tape on each wire and mark it as to where it goes. There may me a black wire terminal on one of the mounting studs too. The mounting bracket or brackets will fall out also after the nuts are removed also some have star lock washers on them so catch all of that.
You never said why you are removing the tach !!!