Jaguar Repair: Jaguar XJ6 Series III rear wheel bearings, rear wheel bearings, wheel bearing
QuestionQUESTION: Howard,
We discussed recently that I had one wheel bearing going bad, and that I was able to feel and hear movement by grasping the tire when jacked up from the ground, etc. You said perhaps I can let you know if I decide to proceed and I am going to do so. I plan to order both rear wheel bearing sets this weekend and begin next week. I have the Haynes manual and have watched a couple of home mechanics do this job on you tube videos. Do you have any suggestions or tips?
ANSWER: The only thing I can say is to get an assortment of the adjustment shims as the bearing kits don't come with the shims.
I forgot to mention you need to get either a large bolt or threaded rod from any hardware store along with several large washers (that will fit against the inner bearing races) This is to use as a tool to put the pre-load on the bearings while on the bench. Leave the seals out until you get the correct number of shims in to have the suggested pre-load. If you don't have a inch lb. torque wrench, just clamp or bolt a piece of metal or even wood out away from center and add weights to that arm to get the required inch pound.
And don't for get to load a lot of grease when finished and be sure the caps are good in the large aluminum housing so dirt and water don't get in later.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
I dug in tonight and decided to do both sides as that is the prudent thing to do here. The left side - which was the one knocking, came apart very easily until the outer bearing on the hub. The cage and rollers broke away, but I cannot get an angle on removing the race. Do you have a tip or suggestion? I had to use a LOT of heat to crack the right castle nut loose and the axle still will not come loose of the hub, so it is soaking in Marvel Mystery oil over night. Would you suggest heat on that outer bearing race?
AnswerAn inner race can be removed with heat but an outer race will just get tighter when heated. You may be able to grind a little on a drift punch to make to better to drive it out. I don't remember having much of a problem with the outer races but had to use a bearing clamp and a press on one inner race.
Are you close to Smyrna?