Jaguar Repair: Jaguar XJ12C engine Conversion, british car repair, race car fabrication
Questioncan you refer me to a very good v12 engine to fuel injected 5.7
Chevy engine conversion mechanic in the Massachusetts or surrounding
states? I have sent this question before to another expert but saw
that you stated you have a friend that did many thought i would ask.
I am also looking for a good body man for the same car with rust
damage. looking forward to hearing. back from
AnswerHi Abdulla,
I don't know anyone in your area but the conversion is a common one with the V-12 Jag. You should search your area for a independent British car repair shop and then ask them if they do it or know someone who does in your area. Another option is to contact the local British car club in your area to see if they could recommend someone.
Also look up on the Internet "John's Cars". They use to sell conversion kits to put different engines and transmissions in British cars. They may have a kit that would make it easier for a British car repair shop to do it even if they have not done one before.
A shop that builds kit cars could do the job too or any shop that does a lot of race car fabrication could do it.