Jaguar Repair: XJ6 III 87, engine cranks, analog multimeter
QuestionI want to test the ignition pick up coil with an analog multimeter. Is it possible? If so, what voltage should I expect when the engine cranks? Best regards, another Howard.
AnswerHi Howard,
The test for the pick-up is with an ohm meter (digital or analog) Disconnect it and check across the two terminals and it should be 2.2 to 4.8 K ohms. Wiggle the lead wires inside and out while testing.
Every one I tested over many years and in two different Jag dealerships I worked in were ok if they just had continuity and no short to ground.
Every one I found that had failed it was a broken lead wire going into the pick-up coil. Never found a shorted or burned up one.