Jaguar Repair: Jag wont run when warmed up, 1987 jaguar xjs, propane torches

I am hoping that you can be of some help even though your expertise are not for my type of car. I own a 1987 Jaguar xjs V-12. The car was running good until the ignition amplifier burned out. I replaced it and I have replaced the distributor cap, wires, plugs. The car still did not run smoothly. It would run good when it was cold but would start missing and wanting to stall when idling. If I kept the RPM's up at a light/stop sign it would stay running.I then got the injectors cleaned and tested. 6 bad, 2 fair, 4 good. Got them all in good working order and put them back in and also replaced the in-line fuel filter. Car starts & idles when cold, but when the motor is warm the car wants to stall and if it stalls it won't start again until it cools down. I understand that V12's are not your expertise but thus far no one else is able to help me with this problem. Any info. you can give me would be deeply appreciated.   Thanks,   Glen

Hi Glen,

When a car runs ok cold but not warmed up you need to first confirm that it is a lack of fuel causing it by opening two propane torches into the intakes or spray a little starter fluid in each of the two intakes to see if it improves the running when it is warmed up and running poorly.

If you note any improvement first look at the fuel pressure at the time of poor running and test the coolant temp sensor for the injection system. The coolant temp sensor is a major control of mixture for engine temperature.

Also check the alternator charge rate at the battery. (should be 13.8v to 14.5v)

Most everything else that controls mixture don't know if the engine is warmed up or not.
