Jaguar Repair: 1984 XJ6 heat, vacuum motors, vacuum valves
Ok, first the positive news. I removed both blower motors tonight and after a good dousing with aerosol solvent, found that the brushes are 3/8" thick which is plenty, but I stretched the springs a bit, then gave all contacts, windings and bearings a good dose of WD-40 and both fans now blow strong on the bench with a battery charger, and when temporarily wired to the car. I have strong running in all settings except low. Is the resistor for the fans, which I understand to be wired in series; on the small circuit board on the RH fan housing? If so, that seems easy enough to replace with a piece from radio shack. Also, the flaps on the fan housing will only actuate with vacuum from an under hood source, not from the lines running to them. Can you point me where to look on that? Otherwise, I shall have heat this weekend. Thanks for your input.
AnswerAs I out-lined before the electric motor powered rotating drum has several vacuum valves that control all of the vacuum motors to blend a combination of doors to control heat and air. The drum motor is controlled by several sensors, relays, controls and an amplifier to determine the position of the drum.
To test each item that controls the rotation of the drum you need the manual to go down the sequence of tests. It is too large to do in e-mail.