QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
I just bought daimler coupe 4.2,but the engine refuse to start on first turn of the key,it take at least 5x,engine has misfire. Then once its running its ok,but once u slowdown or have to stop on crossroads,the engine just die. Could that be only matter of to get balance the carburrators or its something more problematic?? Thanks for your answer, Mirek
ANSWER: I need to know the year and model of your Jaguar to answer your question. If you have the carburetor model, then put some petrol in both carburetors and if it starts right away then you have a fuel problem. If it don't start right away you could have a ignition problem. It sounds like your floats are sticking in your carburetors.
Buy a service manual and it will tell what to do from here. It does not sound like you have any major problems. Sam
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Its 1977 4.2, its running just on 4 cylinders instead of 6,engine is misfiring. Compression on engine is very good otherwise
AnswerCheck spark plugs and wires, distributor and cap, carburetors maybe okay but also check them. Pull out the plugs that are not firing and see they are wet with fuel. If they are not, you may have a fuel problem. Leave one of them out and turn over the engine. Fuel should be blown out of the cylinder, if that is the case then you have an ignition problem. Please buy a manual. Sam