Jaguar Repair: temp controle, compressor clutch, volt meter

QUESTION: 85 jag xj6 temp switch// how do taht switch work i got 2 use ones at junk yard hook up thay didn/t work do thay have in be mounted for a ground i think that switch is call a pot i open it up i look like the volum switch no my guitaes

ANSWER: James, It is not likely that three switches in a row, even if they are used from a junk yard are all bad. Didn't get the wiring diagram I sent? You can do all of your testing of the wires to see that each wire goes where it is suppose to go and no where else. This can be done with a test light or a volt meter. It is no use replacing parts until you know what is wrong. I can't make out what your last statement is. Yes, it has a "Pot" (potentiometer).
I don't understand your last statement, "i look like the volum switch no my guitaes"

Stop worrying about the switch or the relays and take a test lead and connect it to a 12v power source and connect it to the Compressor clutch wire to see if it "Clicks" and locks to the compressor. Then you know the clutch is ok and take the diagram and follow to the back of the compressor or where ever the temp switch is, to see if you can activate the clutch through the temp switch and keep moving your tests back to the switch (pin "A") to confirm the wiring from the switch to the compressor. The switch should turn on the compressor and the Pot probably only controls the heater/AC fan speed. A pot will not control a compressor clutch.

You need to test what wires are hot and which are grounds with your volt meter and from that look at the diagram to see where the trouble is.

I learned a long time ago to test first at the load. (in your case that is the compressor clutch) and work your way back to the source (power supply from the battery) The wiring diagram is your road map of that trail. Only pick and test one circuit at a time. In your case that is the circuit that powers the compressor clutch. You already found that your compressor clutch is only getting 3v and that will not work a clutch.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: mr howard every thing is working some time the faser flap the one in the center of the hash dont open seems like the pot dont send signal to vaccum moter when i turn pot switch some time i here a clik it work if i dont here the clik it dont work ///85 xj6 air///

A rotating drum controls the opening and closing of vacuum motors and that is controlled by several temp sensors and a control unit. The system is very complex and just the test sequence is seven pages long. You need to go to Jaguar and purchase the Heat/AC manual and walk down the list of tests to find any fault. I can not go through all the tests by e-mail as it is too long.