Jaguar Repair: 76 daimler sovreign double six, jaguar version, diesel battery

would the diesel battery maybe fix the prob, i'm having where all the injectors fire up, fuel pumps and fuel pressure normal, but slightly lower then 3-4v over ballast resitor on ignition with brand new battery?

Hi Wesley,
The Jaguar version does have that problem and I would guess your car probably does too but I have no experience with the Daimlers. However, there is a simple test to see if that is the problem.

The problem is usually noted on a hard or no start. The test is to charge up the existing battery and take another known good standard battery and connect it up like a jumper battery trying to start a car with a dead battery. If the car starts up ok then there is the need for the "Deep Charge" battery like a diesel or marine battery.

Even though the engine seems to spin over fast with a standard battery they don't start or are hard to start. Even when the diesel battery gets some age on it the same thing happens, so many diesel batteries removed from a Jag will operate in other brand car for years after being removed from a Jag.
