QuestionI was offered a free 1987 XJ6. The owner told me that she listened to the stereo too long and needed a jump start. Someone who didn't know what they were doing put the cables on backwards. She said it made some sparks. She was able to get AAA to jump start the car, however it will not do anything other than idle. She says it will not accelerate at all. Is this an easy fix or is it better to pass on the free car.
AnswerHi Patrick,
I know of no magic screw to go turn to make it all well but it can be something as simple as a blown fuse or a blown ECU. The only way to know is to do some testing. If you have just a basic knowledge of electric and a 12v test light and a volt/ohm meter I can walk you through most of the tests. No need to replace any parts until you know what is wrong.
First you need a wiring diagram of the injection system (If you don't have one, I can put one up on my web site for you to copy#
Second You need a 12v test light. #not expensive at any auto parts store#
Third You need a volt/ohm meter #not expensive at Radio Shack etc.)
Forth You need a basic knowledge of electric.
voltage is the amount of "Push"
Amperage is the amount of "Flow"
Resistance is the amount of "resistance to flow"
Wattage is the amount of "Power used" (amps times volts = WATTS)
Normally you will only need to work with the first three in this case.
Now you have the basic knowledge necessary to do most of the tests.
let me know when/if you want to start.
As for making a decision to accept the car. That depends on what you value the car at. There are a lot of people out there that would jump at that chance.