QuestionQUESTION: Hi Howard,
I recently purchased a 1986 xjs for a decent price and didn't question the many problems a car like this at this price would most certainly have. My problem is this: 1) no power to the pump- fixed with new relay 2) weak spark believed to be due to ignition amp, possible fix is new ign mod. 3)injectors seem inop. B-bank power to one side of injector, A-bank power to both sides. So far i have replaced both relays in rear of car and nothing else would like to troubleshoot but i have had no luck with schematics, any ideas thank you very much.
ANSWER: Hi Larry,
The tests for power on the injector leads must be done with all the injectors disconnected because you will get a feed back through the windings of any injector left connected. If you did have them all disconnected then you have a short in either the wiring or in the ECU. A simple test is to unplug the ECU and check again.
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QUESTION: hi howard,
will double check the wiring to the injectors, correctly! I was wondering if you knew of a source for the wiring diagrams as the nearest dealer is well over 2 hours away, i believe the herness to have been changed out by a less than professional repair facility as everything has been cut and spliced, butt connectors and no soldered joints or stock connectors i want to fix it and the other systems correctly thanx for your help
ANSWER: Hi Larry,
I have good diagrams of the injection system but there are three different ones for the XJ-S in the mid 80s so let me know the Vin # and I will post it on my web site for you to copy. I don't have the whole car but do have some sections so if you need other sections besides the injection system let me know and I will post that too if I have it.
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QUESTION: Hi Howard,
First let me say you have been great, I truly appreciate the help. The V.I.N. number is as follows: SAJNV5847GC127091 I believe that at this point I only need the injection and ignition diagrams. If I can get it to start and run I will worry about the other stuff when I get to them, wife sais get it to run she is ready to drive it.
PC is back up and the diagram for that Vin # is up on my web site at, and change ending to XJ-SVin133-21x1.jpg for the other half. Let me know if there is a problem.