Jaguar Repair: jaguar wont start, spade connectors, female socket
Questionthis morning i was cleaning some contacts on my 1985 XJS V-12 jaguar and after I cleaned some on the left side of the engine passengers side the car just stopped strating everuthing seems perfect battery of cause evrything works it just doesnt make that spark to star, any ideas what copuld have happened, the car started fine before I cleaned teh contacts with contact cleaner... after that it did not
AnswerHi Zulma,
It sounds like it is one of the contacts you cleaned so I would go back to every one you cleaned and tighten up on all the contacts you cleaned. Contact cleaner works good on dirt and oil but you some times need to tighten the connections physically as well as just washing them with contact cleaner. If they were the round bullet connectors you need to unplug one at a time and look for corrosion on the bullet and carefully close up the female socket with a small pair of pliers just a little so it puts more pressure on the bullet connector and be sure it is pushed in all the way. If you had cleaned flat spade connectors do the same thing. If you unplugged a lot of wires to clean at one time check that the color code on the wires match and you have not crossed some wires.
If it ran good before you started cleaning and don't run after, it is most likely something you disturbed. so go back over everything you touched.