Jaguar Repair: my 85 xj6 will try to turn over but !!!!, test light, volt meter
Questionok my 85xj6 keeps trying to turn over to start but never qite gets there for some odd reason i ran it yesterday and it idled for about 15 minutes but when i put in in reverse to pull out of the drive way it suddenly died !! I've tried to start it over again but still no luck any suggestions???
AnswerHi Robert,
What you tell me narrows the problem down to only a thousand possible causes.
You need to do some testing to narrow it further. First you say "never quite gets there" meaning what? It don't spin the engine? Or it spins the engine but the engine does not start running? Or it spins the engine and it sputters but will not keep running? Be specific. Do you have a 12v test light and a volt meter to do any of the tests necessary?
Sorry, there is no magic screw to turn and fix it. Tests must be run.