Jaguar Repair: oxygen sensor, propane torch, service interval
Questionon my 1985 jaguar xj6 my oxygen sensor light came on what does that mean?
AnswerHi William,
If you have the service interval light on you need to reset the light by a button on the counter which is in the trunk under the forward panel that covers the ECU etc. The counter is on the left, just depress the button to reset the light. BLM set the time for the O2 sensor to be replaced however you may test it with a volt meter and a propane torch. Connect a volt meter on a low volt DC scale and connect the neg lead to the base of the sensor and the positive lead to the sensor wire (if you have the three wire sensor connect it to the blue wire) then take the propane torch and lightly touch the flame to the tip of the O2 sensor and you should see a voltage of up to one + volts. If it does, the O2 sensor is still usable. If not replace the sensor.