Jaguar Repair: wont start, fiber optics, light car

QUESTION: I have a 1985 xj6 Driving to work today at red light car fell dead at light it start but would not stay running.It did finally start and I drive about seven miles and i notice when i step on the brakes it would lose power battery light would come on meaning car had cut off. It stopped again and now want start it seems like the switch comes on and off.

ANSWER: Hi Isaac,
When you say "Won't start" do you mean the starter don't turn the engine over or that it spins the engine but it will not fire off?
Also, I need to know if the center idiot lights stay on and bright when you turn the key to the "Start" position.

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QUESTION: the center idiot lights goes off when i try to start it and i have to move key around or switch wires. i can move the switch and the starter turn over and starts and then loses power an falls dead.

ANSWER: If you can wiggle the key around and make the center lights come on and it starts than you have a bad ignition switch. However, what do you mean by "Or switch wires"??? What wires?

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QUESTION: The wires in the back of the switch I can move them or wiggle and the the light will come on and start. I also need to know how to remove ignition switch,assembly by key. Thanks so much

There are screws up from under the plastic cover to loosen and remove the plastic cover. Be careful not to damage the fiber optics. The electrical switch is inserted into the back of the steering lock assembly and held in place with a set screw in the side of the lock assembly.

If the tumbler and lock assembly is bad too, remove the lower column cover and you will need to use a small chisel to unscrew the shear-off bolts holding the lock assembly to the steering assembly.