QuestionQUESTION: Hello, Howard everything seems to check out the noid light flashes and car starts with starting fluid sprayed into intake.But I have the injectors attached to fuel rail but not put into manifold to see if they would spray the gas and still no gas is being sprayed the car starts for 2 secs and dies.Fuel is coming to the injectors.
I can only think the injectors are bad or there is something I am missing.Thanks Rick
ANSWER: Hi Rick,
I guess it is possible to have six bad injectors at once but I never seen it before. Since you have the injectors out do this, confirm which wire of the injector plug is the power from the resistor pack and run a jumper from that pin connector in the injector plug to a injector and connect a jumper wire to the other pin and scratch it across a good ground to see if it triggers the injector. If it does not take a 12v power source and connect it to one of the pins on the injector and connect the other pin to a jumper wire and scratch it across a good ground to see if it triggers the injector. (be careful not to just make a firm connection because the injectors are NOT 12v and you could destroy it by connecting it with out the resistor pack) Scratching the ground wire on a metal ground should make the injector chatter. If it does not check the resistance across the two pins of the injector to see if the coil is connected inside. You already know that the injector is not stuck open or it would have sprayed fuel. They could be all stuck closed. Try soaking the tips in injector cleaner to see if they are varnished up and stuck closed.
If you show a good contact between the two pins but no "Click" when powered and grounded it could be stuck closed. This would only be if this car has been setting up a long time not running. If it has been running recently that is not likely.
Did you have to replace the fuel pump also recently? If so you may have had something put in the fuel that has caused this.
These injectors are nothing but small solenoids and they are only single coil solenoids meaning they do not have a second light duty holding coil like starter solenoids do. Some cars have what they call "Peak & Hold" which means they get full 12v to open but a transistor inside the ECU drops the voltage by connecting it to a resistor inside the ECU so it does not over heat. These however are not "Peak & Hold" and have the resistor out side the ECU do the voltage drop and the ECU just grounds the injector to open it.
By applying a full 12v to it and scratching a ground (in my test) you are forcing the solenoid to work harder to open. I have been able to break loose a stuck injector that way but you need to be careful as too much use of straight 12v could destroy the electromagnet inside.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hello, Howard I ran the tests and got nothing from the injector just some sparks from the ground wire scratch test but injector seems seized up.The car did sit up for a year and i had water and something reddish in the fuel.The car was sanded down and had body work down and maybe junk got into the tank.I drained the gas out both tanks cleaned fuel filter and then checked the fuel at the rail after to verify good clean fuel coming out.The resistance check I am doing is showing 2.8 or 2.9 ohms between the injector pins.Seems a little high but I am no electrician and have no clue what a higher reading means.I found a 87 XJ6 in a junkyard with injectors in it and I am going to get them today and hope they work.
AnswerYes, it does sound like your injectors are seized up and I have seen many but never seen all six on the same car. Even if the used injectors correct the problem I would try to soak the injector tips in straight injector cleaner to see if you can free them up. Jaguar says the resistance should be 2.4 @ 68 deg F. But that is not that far off so I don't think it is a windings problem but is a seized valve.
Let me know,