Jaguar Repair: 1987 xj6, airflow meter, wheel bearings
QuestionQUESTION: where is the fuel pump located. we opened the flap on the airflow meter,the relay engages but we don't hear the fuel pump run as you suggested we would. So now we want to find the fuel pump to see if it's getting power. Car was in storage since 1995 and not always dry. We have gotten the engine running by putting fuel into the injector manifold directly and it runs fine on this fuel.
ANSWER: Hi Steve,
The pump is in the trunk just to the rear of the spare tire under the panel.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Howard, that was great.Pump gets power, seems to only want to pump out the inlet side,even after we reversed the power to it so we've ordered a new pump to see if that helps. However a bigger problem has come up. The passenger side rear wheel is locked so tight that even after rocking the car we can't seem to break it loose, and we stopped because the engine was torquing and we didn't want to send it off the mounts. We don't know how to go about removing that rear wheel hub which we assume to be necessary. We would appreciate any insights. Best Regards, Steve B
AnswerYou first have to determine if the outer wheel bearings are locked up or is it the brakes that are locked up. You should not attempt either repair without a good service manual. Neither is an easy job. You can make that determination by removing the the inner "U" joint flange.