My Jag
Before I kill something,I have a 1985 Jaguar In pristine condition,, some of the windows wont open,, you mentioned in an answer that there is a breaker rather than fuses for the windows,, I pu8rchased all new switches but I dont want to install them till I can find that circuit breaker,,you mentioned you have a diagram,,, I would appreciate a copy because Its summer and I cant get any windows to open,, arrrggghhhh,,
Nice looking car, I put the window diagram up on my web site for you.
The circuits breakers (two) are to the right side on the bottom row on the Aux fuse panel (passenger side)
I have been working on the Series III Jags for many years and have not run across a bad circuit breaker yet. The switches go all the time but I also found it is easy to take the switches apart and repair them.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Howard,,
Thank you for your reply, Im going to go ahead and install the switches,when I was at the deallers picking up the switches,,I plugged in a couple of the new switches and to my shock, heheheheh, my window and the sunroof worked fine,, then as I plugged in the passenger rear switch the switch got real hot so I pulled it out,, thats when none of the windows or sunroof worked,, so Im thinking it may be the Thermal breaker,,the right rear passenger window motor may be frozen or not grounded and caused the burn out,so i wont replug that line In again, I dont want to pull the door panel to check the motor,If the new switches dont work, should I go to the thermal breaker,,??
AnswerHi Joe,
You don't need to remove the door panel to do your testing of the rear passenger's window. Just look at the diagram and make up a couple of test leads (one with an in-line fuse) and you can operate that window with test leads. The window motors are permanent magnet motors so just by reversing the + & - leads you can run the window up and down.
Most thermal breakers will reset themselves when cooled off. This is easy to test since there are only two breakers for five motors as you can see in the diagram. If you look closely you will see that the diagram shows the inner workings of the switches so you can see that all the switch does is reverse the polarity to make a motor go up or down. With the bad motor disconnected use your test leads (with an in-line fuse) to test the motor. All it will cost you is a couple of fuses and then you will see if the door panel needs to come off which is not difficult. Then you can test at the motor to see if it is a motor or a shorted wire.