Jaguar Repair: Jaguar 4.2 manual transmission, speedometer drive, rear flange

QUESTION: I have a 4.2 trans.  I have removed the front haft of the mainshaft(clutch rides on).  How can I remove the rear half of the mainshaft from the case?

ANSWER: Hi Robert,
You need to remove the rear flange, speedometer drive gear and remove the tailshaft housing which leaves the gears and shafts attached to the central plate. But to disassemble the gears you should purchase a service manual as you can get into more trouble than you want.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I have removed everything you suggested, except the shafts and gears are not attached to the central plate.  The shaft(drive shaft end) goes thru a large bearing in the end of the trans case, the bearing must come out the back(a retainer stops it from going forward.  How do I push the bearing to the rear, so the mainshaft can be lifted out the top of the trans case?


Bob, when you say "So the mainshaft can be lifted out of the top" You must have a 4 speed box not a 5 speed box as the 5 speed box does not have a removable top.
Since you already have the input shaft out you should be able to bump the mainshaft forward enough to have the reverse gear forward enough to take a long thin drift in on the rear bearing and tap it toward the rear enough to start it out of the rear of the case. This is providing you have removed the laygear shaft and allowed the laygear (counter shaft gear) to drop down into the case. You also should have removed the reverse idler shaft and arm.
Once you get the rear bearing out you need to put a hose clamp on the mainshaft to keep the reverse gear all the way forward so the mainshaft and gears can be taken out of the top.
As I said before you are foolish to attempt rebuild a gearbox without a manual. However, most manuals show the 5 speed box for the 4.2 Jag and only show the 4 speed box in the V-12 manuals.