Jaguar Repair: xjs v12 5.3 1987, xjs v12, noisy engine

my xjs has not been started for two years, i have put a brand new battery in as soon as i connect the live terminal to the battery for the fuel pump starts to be noisy, engine wont fire , but turns over, on turning off engine fuel pump continues to be noisy, how can i check if fuel getting to engine

Hi Steve,
For the pump to run after the ign is turned off either the pump relay is stuck closed, or the main relay is stuck closed and / or the ECU is falsely grounding the pump relay and the main relay or you have a wiring problem.

When the key is off and the pump is still running go into the right kick panel in the trunk and tap on the main and pump relays to see if the pump stops. If it does not stop unplug the main relay first (the rear one) and if the pump don't stop unplug the forward relay (pump relay) and if it stops then buy a new relay. If the pump still runs, you need a wiring diagram and start tracing circuits. If you don't have a diagram, let me know and I will put one up on my web site for you to copy.