Jaguar Repair: 69 XKE SER II FHC, ohm meter, xke
QuestionMy car is failing to charge, the in dash guage went a plus to 0 while on the road, I checked all the wires under the hood from the alternator, but, nothing out of place, hence after I got stuck on the side of the road, I replaced the alternator, battery, and voltage regulator, I'm at a loss as to what direction to turn now. Any ideas? I've read some of the responses and did not find any questions like this
AnswerHi Wayne,
Since the regulator is mounted so far from the alternator you need to take an ohm meter and test continuity on each of the wires in the Regulator plug. Do this with the battery disconnected. Do you have a wiring diagram of the car? If not let me know. Did you replace all these components with new parts? Let me know.