Jaguar Repair: 1987 xj6, bosch platinum, airflow meter

My car has been siting for about a year now. I went to start it it fired right up I decided to change wires, cap and button on it.After doing so it has not started since. I changed from bosch platinum to platinum+2. Thats the only thing different done to it. Now with the +2 i get no spark from the distributor to the plug. With the old plug i get a weak spark. Spark from the ignition coil and distributor has a good blue spark. BTW i also put a new ignition coil on also. What can be the reason for it not to fire up. Ive been told it could be the fuel pump. In which im not hearing that fuel pump humming noise at all. And someone also mentioned something about it may have jumped timing.

Hi Eddie,
The most likely problem with the fire up would be to recheck the firing order and position of the new wires as it is very easy to get them mixed up when installing in the cap.
Even though it should run on platinum plugs, I am not a fan of platinum plugs.
Since you lost spark you need to not leave any stone unturned meaning go back and test all of the new parts. A good test of a rotor button is to pull the coil wire out of the cap and with the cap off have someone spin the engine while you hold the coil wire about 1/8 th. of an inch from the center of the rotor. If a spark jumps, the rotor is bad. (yes, new rotors can be bad) Look at the "tooth" inside the rotor and confirm it is in the same position as the old one. Look at the carbon brush inside the dist. cap to see that it is in-tack and spring loaded. Put one of your new plugs on the end of the coil wire and spin the engine to see that you have a good blue spark.

As for the fuel pump, do this.
Undo the three wire clips on the front of the air filter and slide the nose cone forward out of the way and remove the airfilter canister. Turn the ignition key to the "ON" position and reach in the front of the airflow meter and open the flap door. As soon as you do this, you should hear the pump running and hear the fuel circulating through the rail and lines going back to the tank. That is a preliminary test of the fuel pump circuit.
Let me know what you get in these tests.