QuestionQUESTION: I bought a new transmission output speed sensor and the wires dont match in color. The new one has, white with orange stripe, black with blue stripe in middle, solid orange wire.
The old one has, orange with white stripe, black with blue stripe and a purple with wite stripe.
I am guessing wht/org to wht/org ,blk/blue to blk/blue and org to purp/wht stripe?
thank you any help will would be appriciated.
ANSWER: First, I need to know the year/make/model of the vehicle in question. Second, speed sensors have only two wires connecting to them. And that you have a sensor prewired seems a bit odd.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: After some more research i found its the sensor on the transfercase that measures the shaft speed. 1997 jeep grand cherokee laredo 6 cyl 4x4.
AnswerThe sensor you are referring to is a Vehicle Speed sensor. Its primary function is to provide vehicle speed information to the PCM and Instrument Cluster as well as other modules in the vehicle. I would go ahead and wire it the way you outlined, you will have no speedometer operation if it is wired incorrectly.