Jeep Repair: 1997 Jeep Wrangler 4.0 6cylinder, jeep wrangler, auto shutdown relay
QuestionQUESTION: Car will not start. I have fuel but no spark from the coil. The coil tests OK within correct Ohms for Primary and Secondary resistance. I put a new coil in anyway still no spark. The ignition coil wire checks out with correct resistance. Any ideas or advise?
Thank you
ANSWER: power and ground at the coil?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: As I reported earlier there was no voltage coming to the coil. I then started to check the fuses. In the Power Distribution Center I found he Auto Shutdown Relay fuse blown. I replaced the fuse and the Jeep now will start. Any advice on what would have caused the fuse to go out? Could it mean the Auto shutdown relay going bad?
Answerno sir u did not say a single thing about the power or ground at the coil U said resistance but nothing about if U have 12v when u turn the key on and if U have a ground pulse when trying to start it.
relays dont cause fuses to blow U have a short in the wires or anything in the ASD circuit