Jeep Repair: converter, Catalytic converter
QuestionMy check engine light came on and it was revealed to be my catalytic converter.
I told my dad that I planned on getting it fixed at Cole Muffler, and he told me I didn't have to get it fixed until inspection. I said that lack of gas mileage and other problems will occur if it's not replaced, but he didn't buy it.
What problems will occur with my '96 Jeep Cherokee if I don't get my converter fixed?
AnswerWell as for Problems that Can Occur... I have seen Cases where the honeycomb inside of the converter started to break apart and finally starting coming out of the exhaust But when a bigger peice tryed to come out it go stuck and clogged the exhaust and thus made the motor cut out and stall. But that is kind of rare. The Big problem that you are looking at without having a good Converter is that you will be polluting the atmosphere at a faster rate. A catalytic converter removes 99% of smog forming emistions so without it you will be polluting the same about as 100 cars..
I would say, best thing to do is to just go get it fixed and not worry about it. they are not that expencive to have replaced $150-$200 Hope this helps