QuestionQUESTION: My puppy has completly chewed the end of my hand brake. Is it difficult to replace the whole brake
ANSWER: what kinda car is this?
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QUESTION: I have a jeep Grand Cherokke Laredo
ANSWER: what year
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QUESTION: 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4.0. Most of the end of the handbrake has been chewed. Is it difficult and costly to replace??
Remove the center console,(Refer to 23 - BODY/INTERIOR/FLOOR CONSOLE - REMOVAL).
Have an assistant pry down the lock out spring through the hole in the side of the park brake lever (Lock Out Spring) with a small screw driver. Then slowly release the front cable.
NOTE: Their should be slack in the cable if the lock out spring is engaged.
Disconnect the parking brake switch wiring connector.
Disengage the front cable end from the parking brake lever.
Compress the cable retainer with a 13 mm wrench (Parking Brake Lever Bracket) and remove the cable from the parking brake lever bracket.
Remove the four park brake lever mounting nuts and two console bracket nuts(Parking Brake Lever Mounting).
Lift the lever assembly off the mounting studs and pull the front cable out of the lever bracket.