Jeep Repair: Vents on Passenger Side Not Working, air doors, rough price
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 99 Grande Jeep Cher LE.. I turned the heat on the other day and notice cold air was blowing, but wasn't sure where, so I checked all vents...the passenger vents are blowing out cold air. What could be the problem?? Also, I notice when you position the control toward you feet that the vents aren't properly blowing in that this normal and what can be done to fix the problem.
ANSWER: auto temp controls? if so more then likely blend air doors are broken the dash will haft to be removed and doors replaced.
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QUESTION: Can you give me a estimate on this repair.
Sorry I live in you know of anyone in Prince George's County who can do the work?
AnswerI cant really give a price quote do to the difference in area what may cost one thing down here in GA the labor rate could be higher or lower in your area. Call around local shops that know what they are doing and then the dealer for a rough price. I can only give a price for a jeep that I do here not for something that some one else will be doing.