QuestionOn a 2000 Cherokee The right side heated seat quit working.When I turn the swith on the light on the switch doesn't stay on but blinks and the seat doesn't heat up.
What can i check? Left seat works fine,
Shorted Heating Element Flashing Flashing
Open Heating Element Flashing Off
NTC Value Out of Range Off Flashing
Before testing the individual components in the heated seat system, check the following:
If the heated seat switch backlighting does not illuminate with the ignition switch in the ON position, check the fuse in the junction block. If the fuse is OK, see Heated Seat Switch Backlighting in the Diagnosis and Testing section of this group. If not OK, repair the shorted circuit or component as required and replace the faulty fuse.
If the heated seat switch telltales do not illuminate with the ignition switch in the ON position, but the heating elements do heat, see Heated Seat Switch Telltales in the Diagnosis and Testing section of this group.
If the heated seat switch backlighting illuminates with the ignition switch in the ON position, but the heating elements do not heat and the telltales do not illuminate, check the circuit breaker in the junction block. If the circuit breaker is OK, see Heated Seat Switch Multiplexed Resistances in the Diagnosis and Testing section of this group. If not OK, replace the faulty circuit breaker.
If the heated seat switch backlighting illuminates and the telltales illuminate, but the heating elements do not heat; see Heated Seat Element in the Diagnosis and Testing section of this group.