Jeep Repair: Jeep headlight repair, jeep cherokee, wire looms

QUESTION: I have a used 1999 Jeep cherokee and the headlights do not work. I think that
both the bulbs are dead and they desperately need to be rewired so they actually
work. Please help me, I have the manual and the diagram of the wiring makes
no sense to me whatsoever.

ANSWER: all i have is wire diagrams like what they have  so there no magic wire diagram that I can give u either.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Could you explain what the diagrams mean then? I understand that this wire
connects to that wire, but I'm confused by how they are located, because the
diagrams don't look like actual physical placements. If I knew what the diagrams
mean spatially I can probably fix my car from there.

there is no such thing as a wire location diagram  only where a connector is. If u want to know where it goes from one point to another  u will haft to find the wire at one end and start cutting wire looms and tape and trace it back to where ever it goes to. Plus I doubt they need to be rewired any way unless something got in there and shewed up the wires.  Check the fuses first and if u have power to the bulbs  and ground for that matter.