Jeep Repair: 2000 Grand Cherokee front driveshaft removal, companion flanges, cv joints

How do you remove the front driveshaft on a 2000 GC?  I removed the 6 bolts at both companion flanges, but I cannot get the driveshaft to slide forward or back so that I can remove it.  I am familiar with the old slip type yoke/shafts but this appears to have cv joints under rubber bellows.  Anyway what is the trick here?  Thanks!

NOTE: Different length propeller shafts are used for different drivetrain applications. Ensure that the correct propeller shaft is used.

Raise and support vehicle on safety stands.
Shift the transmission and transfer case, if necessary, into the Neutral position.
Using a suitable marker, mark a line across the companion flange at the transfer case and CV joint at the rear of the front propeller shaft for installation reference.
Mark a line across the CV joint and the pinion companion flange for installation reference.
Remove the bolts holding the front CV joint to the pinion companion flange.
Remove the bolts holding the rear CV joint to the transfer case companion flange.
Separate the rear CV joint from the transfer case companion flange.
Push rear of propeller shaft upward to clear transfer case companion flange.
Separate front CV joint from front axle.
Separate propeller shaft from vehicle.
Position front propeller shaft under vehicle with rear CV joint over the transfer case companion flange.
Place front CV joint into the axle pinion companion flange. CV joint should rotate freely in the pinion flange.
Align mark on the transfer case companion flange to the mark on the CV joint at the rear of the front propeller.
Loosely install bolts to hold CV joint to transfer case companion flange.
Align mark on front CV joint to the mark on the axle pinion companion flange.
Install bolts to hold front CV joint to the axle pinion companion flange. Tighten bolts to 32 N·m (23.5 ft. lbs.)
Tighten bolts to hold rear CV joint to the transfer case companion flange to 32 N·m (23.5 ft. lbs.)
Lower vehicle and road test to verify repair.