Jeep Repair: 2002 Grand Cherokee Laredo, grand cherokee laredo, heater control valves

QUESTION: single control heater blowing cool air.I suspect the blender door problem,but only one of the heater core hoses are hot.If the door has broken/fallen,would this affect the water circulation throught the core.Should I try a flush/back-flush at the core?Is there an air bleeder plug?
How do you rate the 'Heater Treater'?Any other trouble shooting tips are appreciated.......Thanks

ANSWER: first of all heat treater is for dual zone air systems  not your.  Second  no the coolant flow is not affected by any blend air door position. IF one line is hotter then the other  U have a clogged up heater core. U can try and flush it out  it may or may not do anything  depends on what it looks like in there  like a clogged artery. I would suggest that u change your coolant every 30k miles from now on and get the coolant that U have in there now changed  it is suppose to be green and not brown or mud color like I bet it is right now.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the quick response...So,there is no manual or
elctric heater control that diverts water from the core?
Also,is there an air bleed plug?

the old school cars used heater control valves and such because the inside of the HVAC boxes could not be controlled and sealed up correctly.  and as for bleeding the system take off the upper heater hose from the thermostat and let the air out that way.