Jeep Repair: broken u joint, vise jaws, propeller shaft

QUESTION: can you tell how to remove a broken U joint from my jeep 2005 rubi it is broken on the passenger side is it easy to do what tools any other info please

ANSWER: 05 not under warranty?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no do to the lift and tires i have

well in that case  i hope u have better then factory u joints.

CAUTION: Clamp only the narrow forged portion of the yoke in the vise. Failure to heed caution may result in damage.

Remove axle shaft.
Remove bearing cap retaining snap rings (AXLE SHAFT OUTER U-JOINT).
NOTE: Saturate the bearing caps with penetrating oil prior to removal.

Place a socket (receiver) with an inside diameter larger than the bearing cap against the yoke and the perimeter of the bearing cap to be removed.
Place a socket (driver) with an outside diameter smaller than the bearing cap against the opposite bearing cap.
Position yoke with the sockets in a vise (YOKE BEARING CAP REMOVAL).
Tighten vise jaws, to force bearing cap into the socket (receiver).
Release vise jaws. Remove sockets and bearing cap forced out of the yoke.
Repeat above procedure for the remaining bearing cap and remove cross from propeller shaft yoke