Jeep Repair: 2001 Jeep air/heater blower problem, blower motor resistor, running down the road
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2001 Gr. Cherokee Ltd. v8. The problem is the air conditioner/heater blower motor will not blow air. This Jeep has the dual zone option. I can set the thermostat at any degrees and on manual fan or auto. and the blower will not come on. When it first started giving problems it would work OK for a day or so and then quit. Now it's stopped altogether. When your running down the road you can feel either warm or cool air, according to the temp. that you have it set at but no air from the blower. You can turn the compressor on or turn it off but no air. Its like everything is working but the blower. Thanks for any help in advance. ps. checked all fuses.
ANSWER: your blower motor resistor module is bad and has more then likely also melted the connectors to the resistor as well. The new resistor comes with the wire harness and it will require the dash to be removed and installed.I live in the Atlanta area I would be glad to look at it for u.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I live in the greater Charlotte area. I've had the dash removed once due to the heater/air door failure by an independent mechanic. This was mighty expensive, like 600 big ones. The Jeep dealer wanted a 1000. Is this going to be a full teardown like the last one. I didn't see the car when the dash was completely torn out but a buddy of mine did and he said that, I quote " I didn't believe it would ever run again!" I'm trying to get the vehicle to a good point where I can sell it without anyone shooting out my windows at night. What are my options. Thanks in NC.
Answeryeah I know it costs a bunch that is the job I do at the dealer. If u want to just rig it up get the new resistor and like i said it will come with the wire harness. U can install the new resistor and just cut the wire harness part the connector that u need and wire it up to the harness that u have in the jeep already that will patch u up so that u work.
It's not the correct way but it will do.
Other option I am only a few hours from NC and a half day job for me to install it all.