Jeep Repair: Clogged A/C Tube, grand cherokee, drain tube
QuestionQUESTION: I read where you say to drill a hole in the evaporator drain tube housing of my Grand Cherokee. can a man use forced air to clear the tube? Thanks and GOD bless!
ANSWER: u can yes.
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QUESTION: i drilled the hole in the housing in the center. i ran a tube in over 2 feet long. i could here the tube somwhere inside the firewall somewhere. didn't feel like i was inside of a tube. a/c still not draining. i attached an air hose to the the hollow tube i inserted and blew compressed air thru it. still nothing. it is a 97 grand cherokee. any ideas? thanks
Answerthe tube for the hvac housing is only 1-2 inches and then it will drain right into the frame rail of the jeep. U drill the hole then just blow the air right into it there if that does not work then u have stuff above the drain and will require the dash and hvac housing to be removed and cleans out that way.I live in the Atlanta area I would be glad to look at it for u.