Jeep Repair: 2001 Jeep Gran Cherokee Climate Control, jeep gran cherokee, jeep grand cherokee
QuestionQUESTION: My 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited's climate control has recently broken. When i turn on the AC it works on the passenger side but on the drivers side it pumps out hot air like i have the heat turned all the way up. But when i turn on the heat, the passenger side only spits out cold air while the drivers side pumps out hot air... Whats wrong with my car? Please help
ANSWER: do u have auto temp control?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yeah... I do have auto temp control, but when i use it the same issue still occurs.
AnswerU have blend air doors broken inside the hvac housing. The dash will need to be removed and the HVAC housing as well split apart and doors replaced.
This is the kinda jobs I do at the dealer and do them on the side at the dealer this would be a 1200 plus repair I would do it for 500 plus 150 in parts.
I live in Atlanta if u can get this to me I would take care of it.