Questionmy 98 jeep grand cherokee a/c stopped blowing cool/cold air over 2yrs ago-- it just became outside air I suppose. I can turn it off & on, hear the fan..but no cold or cool air at all.So, spring/summer of last year--I took it to 5 different garages (!) to have checked. 1st--added freon($68) stayed cold 3-4 days..then within a week, was back the same way. Returned to that garage--they said they have no way to check for leaks,etc.Went 2nd, they put dye in..and had me return in couple days($125)-- said "no leak, just out of freon"(that was a month after 1st garage). Refilled freon--and surprise--back the same results. 3rd garage-- kept 3 days, "found hose leak, refilled w/freon"($98)--yea, same results w/in a week. 4th--> said "other garages prob don't know how to refill freon=certain way,etc,etc" ($76)--> same results. By then it was fall, and I just quit trying. This year. garage #6-- (all these garages "highly recommended") of course I'm a female. So, he kept 4 days. $67--> said I needed "evaporator" and it would be $850 before tax. I found garage #7-- for 2nd opinion. They said they would install evaporator coil-- for $465-- I thought they were going to check behind previous garage-- of course, that way they may lose $$. Kept jeep 5 days, $475-- cold air about 3-4 days, then progressively got warmer, and now back to square 1. I am very upset and frustrated. I returned to them, they just said they took the other garage written results, and "did what I said." Wouldn't/couldn't refund,correct, nothing. Of course I didn't expect that. So, my question is this. Once the air is gone/non working--is it highly unlikely to ever work again--no matter what anyone/any garage says in the world..and you may as well sell to keep from going thru all this H***?? Am I being naive(yes) stupid(yep) to keep trying to expect this? 2nd question: Someone in another state (male cousin) told me maybe it's simply the "orifice(sp?) tube/valve-- I have visited 3 more garages, one-- the one who kindly replaced the supposedly nonworking evaporator--- that one laughed, & told me "no such thing". 1 said, couldn't be that, when it's that it doesn't EVER blow cold at all--even at first. 3rd told me "unlikely" and NO-- wouldn't check that for me.
I'm never taking this jeep in anywhere for air again. All these men/garages/homes/etc were referred my nice, some elderly ppl-- high opinion's,etc. I can't afford another waste of that kind of money. I simply am curious as to how difficult is it to find a problem such as this--or-- is it true, that once you have this problem, it is wasting money to try to get air back--no way to get it back. Guess I will sell the jeep in late fall/winter. Yet I hate to not tell the buyers. * reading various jeep repair sites,etc; I've read about finding water in passenger floor--and various problems--I remember prob 6 month's before the air went out-- which would have been while I wasn't even using it, so wouldn't have known if air was working or not--one morning, I found my passenger(front) floor soaking wet-hadn't rained that I recall, It was just weird. lol at the time I questioned 2 different auto repairmen, who both told me "jeeps leak from the rain like that". And "prob not real good seal around windows-- I told them it hadn't rained, both said like-- rain sits in engine--and leaks inside floor when trucks/jeeps get older."
Any thoughts on this would be very appreciated. Sorry so wordy, I'm just over it. My savings is depleted..
Answeryour case I hate it that u went to so many stupid people that does not know there ass from a hole in the wall. DO u live near me by change I would be happy to look at it for u and give u a better understanding of whats really going on. The evaps leak all the time yes so that was a good cause for your freon to go away so fast. There has to be a leak or the compressor it spitting out the freon from to high of pressure but u would see green dye all over the back of it. Any way there would be green dye that any ac place would have a dye light. Your jeep does in fact does have an orifice tube if it was clogged up u would not loose freon it just would not work well. The water in the pass side would mean that your ac is working and u dont know it because the water is from the process of removing the heat from the inside and taking it to the outside and the water is a by product. They like to clog up on the inside from leaves and pine straw if u park under one this will happen. Let me know but as far as finding the prob I would haft to see it first hand in order to make an educated assessment.