QuestionQUESTION: Hi Kevin - the car is a 99 Grand Cherokee Limited with around 100k miles on the click. Since buying at the beginning of the year I have had a new belt fitted and a new starter motor fitted at a Chrysler garage in Scotland. The problem first occurred when I collected the car and drove off sown the road and discovered the car would not accelerate past 2000 rpm or so, it was as though the car was limiting itself go a maximum of 50 mph. If you pushed it and floored the accelerator all the way down, the car would eventually kick down, but only under duress! I immediately returned the car whereupon the mechanics spent a day investigating and eventually mumbled something about a temperature sensor which was out of place, but back in now. The car appeared fine after that for a few weeks, and indeed coped fine with a stormy drive from Scotland to Spain, but soon after the problem began to re-occur. I also noticed a link with the air con as after not getting any cold, a local mechanic refurbished the compressor and recharged the system. The air con continues to not work and the limiting has become more frequent. A recent trip to Chrysler here in Spain resulted in them recommending a brand new compressor, but I suspect they've just seen the refurbished unit with staining from repairs and assumed this is the cause. They suggest that the faulty compressor affects the performance of the car but even driving with the whole climate system turned to off still results in the speed being limited. Annoyingly it's intermittent - I used to think it got worse as the exterior temperature reached 28-29 Celsius but maybe I'm imagining it. If you can help shed any light on this I'd be very grateful!! Yours, ( a very hot and slow Jeep driver) Simon
ANSWER: what is air not working not cold,no air blowing out of vents, not enough air,only heat coming out give me some details on what is going on with the AC only.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Kevin, the situation with the air con is that is does blow air out of the vents but it is not cold. I have had the system charged up and the compressor refurbished and and this helped but only for a few days. There is green deposit of the pipework so I think there is still a leak somewhere. Again, it seems linked to outside temperature because it will work marginally better in the morning when cool, but as soon as outside gets above 25 we've got problems - also I find that switching off the air circulation switch sometimes makes it blow faster and slightly cooler, but even this makes no difference now - at this outside temperature (27-29c) this is when the limiter seems to kick in also which limits the engine to around 1800 rpm. I think the problem is electrical because it sometimes seems to fix itself all of a sudden and then go again, almost like it's a loose connection triggering some kind of engine limiter. Confusing I know, any help gratefully received...
Answeru see green dye under the body on the pass side correct??? can u find a black tube sticking out of the fire wall and see if that green trail leads up to it?? if so u have an evaporator leak and b4 any thing else is done that would need to be taken care of. The dash will need to come out and replace the evap.
Temp makes a difference on what the pressures do and how the system works. With low freon the system will not work as well and u get what stuff u have going on. DO u have an auto air system or a manual system?