Jeep Repair: 1999 Grand Cherokee Starting Problem, battery cables, grand cherokee

I have a 99 Limited 8cy 4x4 Grand and am having a problem starting.  It only occurs from time to time. When I turn the key it clicks and all the gauges bounce back and forth and continue to bounce even after the key is removed.   If I keep trying it will eventually start. The first time it happened a few weeks ago my wife was in it and told me the battery had died.  The water in the battery was low so I filled it and charged the battery and it worked fine.  The alternator was replaced a year ago and the battery was repalced three years ago.

There's a few things here.  The first thing I would want to know is if this is still the mopar battery.  They crack all the time next to the terminals.  If it is cracked, replace it.

Next I would like to know if the car has the automatic headlamp feature.  I've run across a couple where the switches start to break down and overnight the headlamps will turn on and off.  Try taking the lights OUT of automatic mode and see if that helps keep the battery charged up.

After that I would be suspicious of the connections at the battery itself.  Is there any corrosion on top?  Any "water" looking substance?  Who replaced the battery and are you 100% sure they actually cleaned the terminals and your battery cables prior to installation?  

Finally, I need to know more about what it does when it doesn't crank.  Is it click click click and a perfect fire up?  OR is it a single click each time you cycle the key?  OR multiple clicks followed by a very tired and slow to crank condition?

The bouncing lights tells me it's not the starter but without the cluster lights/gauges acting up I would throw that back in to the list of possibilities.

You could have the following:
1. clicks with Slow to crank- bad starter, bad battery, or a draw
2. clicks with instant firing up bad connections, bad starter or loose starter connections.

I would be suspicious of the stuff related to the battery.