Jeep Repair: Starter?, battery cables, bendix
QuestionI have a 91 Wrangler with 80k miles, 4 cylinder. Recently when I went to start it, it would not turn over but gave a loud "whirring" or "turbine" sounding wine. Battery is brand new and good. Would this be the starter? If so, is it difficult to replace, reletively speaking. I have done numerous engine repairs, but not since college (late 80's)
AnswerSounds like the starter bendix is not engaging the flywheel. Starters are relatively easy to replace, it's a matter of unbolting the old one and replacing it with a new one. Make sure the battery cables are disconnected from the battery before you start. Take your starter to an auto parts store and have them put it on their test equipment, you might just need a new bendix or bendix spring but chances are it would be less costly to just trade it in for a rebuilt model.