Land Rover Repair: 2007 Land Rover starter seem to be electrically locked out

Replaced water pump, didn't disconnect any electrical plugs.
After pump replacement, starter will not engage, all other electrical seems to be working.
Do u have any idea what I have done to cause this problem?
2007 Land Rover LR3 4.4 liter v8.
Key position 1 normal, position 2 normal, position 3 start engine does nothing.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Michael Babcock

It sounds like you have a security lockout but the only way to know would be to connect a Land Rover test system and check the crank authorization status.  There's no way to see that without the tester.  I think it's time to look for a nearest dealer or qualified independent.  

You can try disconnecting and reconnecting the battery, and then trying to lock and unlock the truck before trying to crank it.  If that does not work, you need that tool and a trained tech