Land Rover Repair: alt. not charging battery
Question1999 disco 2 I have change 2 time my altenator an it wont charge the battery. installed a charge battery truck runs but as soon as I take off the positive cable it stops running. as it run I test the line from the altenator to the battery an theres juice, disconnect it an its stop running. Both altenator are NEW. Thank you for your help.
AnswerIt's time to get a wiring diagram and go to work. The alternator is a simple circuit. Does the battery light come on, with the key on before the engine is started? If no, you need to fix that or it won't charge. If yes, check your wiring from alternator to battery. If that is good you probably installed a defective alternator. Are you using cheap rebuilds from a mass merchandiser? If so, I've seen people go through 4-5 to get a good unit.