Land Rover Repair: 2003 landrover discovery hse7 overheating red temp gauge always on

Hi I have a 2003 discovery which keeps having over heating issue I've taken it to try and get fixed but no one seems to know what IS causing it to over heat. The red temperature gauge is always on and I've done just about everything in the book to try and solve the problem and nothing works! Changed the thermostat, water pump, I even got another engine and keeps acting up! Please help!!!! I want my rover up and running! Thanxx...

Mirel, the 2003 Discoveries seem to have a fatal flaw in the engine that stems from the production tooling being worn out.  Most of the time, when I read stories like yours, the car has a failing engine.  

Here are links to two articles I wrote on this.  I suggest you read them and talk them over with your mechanic.

Rebuilding your engine with better liners, or installing a motor with flanged liners, is going to cost 10-14k depending on local labor rates, other parts, etc.  It's a major investment.  So you may be at a crossroads and have a big decision to make.  I will say this:  We do jobs like this all the time and every one of the folks we do it for is happy.  At the same time, some people say, no way! and scrap the trucks.  I don't know how happy they are but I see people go both ways.

Finally I should stress that you COULD have a simpler problem but the tone of your question implies the "easy answers" have all been tried already, with no success.

My articles tell how to test; there is more to read on the Robison Service website under service > land rover > advice