Land Rover Repair: 2004 Range Rover Key, open doors, diagnostic system
QuestionWe have two keys for the RR and one (bad) does not open or signals the ignition so we can't turn the key and start it but it does lock,open doors and trunk with the remote on the key. The good key even before entering the key slot/ignition it makes a sound like unlocking the steering/ignition. Can you guide me on how to fix the bad key to make it work again, Thank you. ( is it a transponder issue?)
AnswerUsually the problem you describe comes from a key that has been dropped or otherwise damaged. Most times, the key is just no good anymore. So the fix is a new key. If you wanted to know what was wrong you would have to connect a LR diagnostic system to the vehicle and see what signals it was reading from the key. But even if you do . . . the result is still the same. Keys are not usually fixable.
What I would do is order a new key, and have them try to initialize the old one at the same time they set up the new key. Most dealers are going to charge 75-100 to configure keys, and you might as well get a new one out of it because the odds are not more than 1 in 10 that your old key is going to be usable again