Land Rover Repair: Water heating problems, landrover discovery, head gaskets
QuestionYes John after fifteen minutes of idling motor temperature garage has gone to half way for awhile then starts to want to keep rising to the red area then drips of water out of the rear exhaust pipe. This is all happening on my 1999 Landrover discovery series 2 4litre v8. I have replaced 2 head gaskets, 2 reconditioned heads, new water pump and gasket,all new hoses, a new radiator, and a new themostat, and still this problem exists along with the hoses swelling tight like there is a lot of pressure there. I would be very grateful for your thoughts of advise in helping me to sought this problem out, many thanks regards Jack
AnswerRead the stories on my blog about Land Rover liner failure. That is very likely your problem
Here is one link; there are other (newer) stories on the Robison Service blog.