Land Rover Repair: ACE pipes what goes where, piping layout, bloke

Hi John
I have been replacing the ACE pipes on 2003 disco
I was sure I had marked them for where the run from the bloke
to the front before I cut them for removal I marked them
from the top of the block 1 and 2 going to the front actuator
3 to the pump 4 to the reservoir but on assembling the last two which are two piece,I think I may have crossed them now I am not sure
been searching for a piping layout (what pipe from port goes where) I want to be sure before I start up as I know this would cause major damage.
can you help

Regards Billy

Hi Billy,

I apologize for the delay, I am away from my home/office and do not have access to my PC.  

I have seen the RAVE diagrams and they are sadly lacking. If you want to see them, send me a
email and I'll respond when I return.

Perhaps you can find better help with the following sites:

[email protected]

NB:  you are bold.  I would have replaced them one-at-a-time.