Land Rover Repair: ac / extended warranty, extended warranties, extended warranty
Questionhello I have a 2006 range rover super charge and the passenger side and the middle vent are blowing cold air but the passenger side blows hot air but then it will start blowing cold air, any ideas?
what are your thoughts on extended warranties? can you recommend one for me I live in Houston Texas and my car has about 60,000 miles
AnswerLand Rover used to have a great factory extended warranty but I don't think they have the plan anymore. I'm sorry but I don't know who to recommend now. Check the reviews of any company you consider, though.
As to the heating problem . . .the vehicle does have separate control for left and right sides. It sounds like one side is acting up. There is no single cause of that; you will have to find a shop with the specialized LR test gear to talk to the climate control computer and see what's up.