Land Rover Repair: Freelander CV or driveshaft?, capable service, axle assembly
Question'02 Freelander recently went through deep water (but not over axles) in NYC. Immediately after, loud "graunching" on hard cornering (like turning into parking spot). This has quieted, mostly (90%) but is still there. Some clicking from the front, L>R, on cornering and is speed-sensitive, but goes away within 100 ft of a corner. Otherwise feels and drives fine. Some small degree of in-and-out play in L front axle, minimal radial play. Small amount of radial play at front of main driveshaft (to rear). Nothing incredibly obvious. Before I spend hundreds on a new L front axle/CV assembly, anything else I should check?
Thank you.
AnswerDriving through water would not cause failure of an axle assembly. Did you hit something under the water? Either the noise and water are a coincidence, or you are on the wrong diagnostic track.
The axle may have been bad all along, though. A capable service person should be able to drive the car and listen for signs of axle failure while looking for damage in the boots or joints.