Land Rover Repair: Cruise control on 96 Disco I, vacuum lines, digital stream
Cruise does not work. Vacuum lines replaced,Brake switch,transducer and actuator are good, ECU rebuilt. I am curious about the VSS input for the cruise ECU. When I check it with a multimeter I get 7.8 volts constant. Speedometer shows 5 miles per hour slower than GPS speed, but is consistent. any ideas what else it could be?
AnswerYou have done all the common things. 99% of cruise problems are indeed the vacuum lines or the switches. If you have swapped the ECU as well you are running out of things to try. The speed signal is a digital stream I believe, so you can't evaluate it with a multimeter. The only way I know to test that system is with the factory T4 tester, The Autologic does not have a test sequence for cruise.
I am really not sure what else to suggest except seeking out a shop with T4. You seem to have changed all the problem parts, so you either have an esoteric wiring issue, or one of the supposed "fixes" is wrong.